First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! This is hopefully one of the most exciting times of your lives!! We have put together a list of things to help you enjoy not only your wedding day but also the months leading up to it.
If you are not in a rush to get married within the year, take a breath and soak it in for a bit. What kind of wedding do you want? Outdoors? Indoors? What season?
Be flexible on dates or days of the week. You will have a better selection of vendors if you have some flexibility.
Decide on your budget. So many couples come to us and they don’t know their budget. You will need to know at least a range so you don’t get caught up in excitement that leads to disappointment.
Don’t assume you can’t afford a PROFESSIONAL WEDDING PLANNER AND COORDINATOR. For couples who come to our venue, wedding planning and coordination is included. Because vendors would prefer to work at weddings that are well organized, most vendors will give a discount to the best wedding planners because they know the day will be more enjoyable and will run more smoothly. So you might even save money AND have professional help.
Narrow down your visits to 3-4 venues. Look at websites, social media, and reviews to help
refine your list. While wedding shows can be fun-ALWAYS do more research on your own. Then visit your top choices and if you don't fall in love...do a round two with your new information.
Book your venue and get your wedding date. Wedding vendors will not book with you until you have a contract with a venue!
The View from The Ridge at Greenbluff If you are booking a wedding within the year, you will need to move a little more quickly as the best dates and vendors get booked up by January so working with a professional wedding planner will be VERY helpful!